Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's like youtube.. but with words

Everybody hates each other.

Yeah, you read that right. They all hate each other.

I'm kind of in shock about the whole thing, I mean, everyone knows it's going to happen. Usually after a few months, when its been a while since we've hit a port. But for God's sake we've been gone for 6 days! I haven't even done laundry yet! People fight like children. I would know, I have several. It's a shame that you can't just send them to time out, take away their favorite toy for a while and then they'll be friends again.

Oh well. We have a port visit coming up shortly and due to rules and such, I can't divulge exactly where that is but i can say that I haven't been there before and I am looking forward to it. Made some plans with friends, we'll see if it happens, since everyone has to do some random bullshit before they can leave.

In other news, the stinky guy who sleeps near me doesn't stink! Yet. Give it time, cigarettes and body odor have a way of building up after time, although he assured me that it won't happen again. Could be the massive air freshener I keep in my rack. Makes my area smell nice.

Also in other slightly more belated news, we did an unrep the other day, and I took some pictures. If you don't know what that is then google it. I'm gonna try to upload the pictures when we get to where we're going.

Fresh water wash down today, think of it as a ship-wash, but without soap. It's really just to wash the salt off, but its actually pretty entertaining. You get to run around spraying stuff with a fire hose while they play music over the loudspeakers. My division did a very touching rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. I would take pictures of that, but we're using a fire hose and that wouldn't be very damn smart would it.

I as usual have been keeping upbeat and making fun of everyone and everything (myself included) to keep myself and others sane. I walked around the ship today and I could not believe the amount of people that were pissed off. We're a short time away from a port call, and the weather's awesome. I fully intend on enjoying this deployment for what it's worth. If not the "adventure" that the commercials promised me, then the experience of doing something outside of most peoples comfort zones. It's something that will (hopefully) give me some stories like the ones my Grandpa used to tell me. That's what it's all about i suppose. Well, that and the meager pittance the gov't sees fit to (maybe) pay me.


  1. Keep up the great attitude, it will certainly benefit you in the long run. You have to be there so you might as well make the best of it! The rest of the guys will come around when they see the good time you're having (or they'll have you randomly drug screened!). You're Grandpa would be proud of you and your rapidly developing book of "stories". One day you too will be able to regale your children and grandchildren of the joys of washdowns and unreps with Lap Lapowitz! Have fun and stay safe!

  2. I think folks were so angry because we planned on doing so much in so little time. Hell, look at my guy, we were so laden with crap to do that day.
